Make knowledge work
The WEKA Group
WEKA is your reliable partner for groundbreaking expert information, high-reach media, and effective training programs!
As a leading omnichannel provider for almost all industries, we engage with decision-makers at all levels and ensure they stay one step ahead. Our portfolio provides crucial knowledge advantages, optimizes workflows, enables sustainable learning success, and connects experts across industries. Our customers benefit daily from our longstanding experience and know-how tailored to current needs with relevant content and products – in digital, print, or face-to-face formats.
With 730 employees and 9 companies in Germany, Austria and France, the WEKA Group is one of the top addresses for media-neutral and cross-industry content.
Our business divisions
Solutions / Education / Business / Consumer

Companies of the WEKA Group

What makes us stand out.
Good reasons why customers rely on us.

The latest news and interesting facts from the companies of the WEKA Group.

WEKA Group Management
The WEKA Group is managed strategically by its holding company with headquarters in Kissing and Munich. The operational business lies in the hands of the division heads.

The history of WEKA

On January 1, 2025, the WEKA Group sold WEKA Fachmedien to the NürnbergMesse Group. The two companies have jointly developed embedded world into the world’s leading trade fair since 2002. This transaction will enable the cross-media ecosystem
embedded world to expand into a global brand from a single source.

February 2024: The WEKA Group divests Spitta GmbH. This step marks a conscious decision by the WEKA Group to retreat from the dentistry target group and thus continue to concentrate on the core areas of the portfolio.
May 2024: The WEKA Group divests WEKA Business Medien GmbH as part of an MBO (management buy-out). This is an important milestone for the WEKA Group as it continues to focus on its core competences in the division of business communication.
October 2024: As part of its strategic focus, the WEKA Group has sold Editions WEKA and Editions TISSOT. For the WEKA Group, the divestment is a further step towards harmonizing and strengthening the portfolio.

The WEKA Group has divested its Swiss subsidiaries WEKA Business Media, ZfU, CAS, LWO, and the WEKA Akademie in Wiesbaden to Aspire Education as part of its strategic alignment. For the WEKA Group, this divestiture represents another milestone in its efforts to streamline and fortify its portfolio

In the course of strategic focusing, WEKA Group has sold Lexagri SAS to Foodchain ID, a US provider of regulatory intelligence services. For the WEKA Group, the divestment is a further step towards harmonizing and strengthening the portfolio.

- Sale of frechverlag (Stuttgart) to Penguin Random House
- Sale of INFO-TECHNO Baudatenbank (Mondsee) to Olmero, Swiss tender platform
- Lernwerkstatt Olten has now taken over the portfolio of TA in Lucerne

In 2020 the WEKA Firmengruppe was completely taken over by the private, owner-managed investment company Paragon Partners.

Merger and Acquisition of the majority of AGROBASE / Lexagri (Saint-Julien-en-Genevois) by WEKA France

- Company founder Werner Mützel dies at the age of 77 years
- Acquisition of ILT Solutions (Cologne) by WEKA Holding
- Acquisition of the CoachTrainerAkademieSchweiz (Rebstein) by WEKA Business Media
- Takeover of the LANline-Portfolio from ITP Verlages (Kaufering) by WEKA Fachmedien
- Takeover of Journals AUTlook and process pur (Vienna) by WEKA Industrie Medien
- Takeover of LexPG from thinking information Verlag GmbH (Dorfen) by WEKA MEDIA
- Formation of WEKA Akademie GmbH by merging the Forum Group with the seminar activities of WEKA MEDIA and TQM

- Bundling of the group’s German-language training activities in the WEKA Learning Group, which focuses on coping with the challenges of digital transformation.
- Founding of WEKA Industrie Medien GmbH by merging the der Industriemagazin Verlag GmbH with the magazine activities of WEKA-Verlag Gesellschaft m.b.H.
- Takeover of the journals of JM Fachmedien (Landsberg am Lech) by WEKA Business Medien
- Disposal of WEKA Business Media B.V. (Amsterdam) to the management
- Takeover of Symposium Publishing (Düsseldorf) by WEKA MEDIA Acquisition of Industriemagazin Verlag (Vienna) by WH WEKA Holding
- Acquisition of 80% of webculture (Mannheim) by WEKA Holding
- Acquisition of Forum Group (Wiesbaden) by WEKA Holding
- Takeover of Formhygiène (Montpellier) by CMT

- Closure of Blogwerk (Zurich)
- Takeover of Pro Lernen (Unterschleissheim) by WEKA MEDIA
- Takeover of the training business of LexisNexis France (Paris) by Comundi
- Acquisition of 80% of DIOS (Reken) by WEKA Holding
- The Paris-based companies of the WEKA Group (Editions WEKA, Editions Techniques de l’Ingenieur, Comundi, CMT, WEKA Service) move from Paris to the suburb of Saint Denis
- Acquisition of 80% of Lernwerkstatt Olten (Olten) by WEKA Business Media

- Takeover of Comundi (Paris) by WEKA FORMATION
- Takeover of WIADOK Wirtschaftsarchiv (Minden) by Deubner Verlag
- 40-year company anniversary of WEKA
- Acquisition of MB Formation (Paris) by Editions WEKA
- Takeover of screenguide (Düsseldorf) by WEKA MEDIA PUBLISHING

- Acquisition of Agricommand (Gémenos) by C.M.T.
- Acquisition of INFO-TECHNO Baudatenbank (Mondsee) by WEKA Holding
- Acquisition of Blogwerk (Zurich) by WEKA Holding
- Acquisition of TQM Training & Consulting (Heilbronn) by WEKA MEDIA
- Acquisition of fotocommunity (Cologne) by WEKA Holding
- Acquisition of Hoppenstedt Publishing (Darmstadt) by WEKA Holding
- Acquisition of facility-info.com (Amsterdam) by WEKA Netherlands

- Acquisition of ZfU (Thalwil) by WEKA Holding
- Acquisition of foerderland (Mannheim) by WEKA MEDIA
- Acquisition of dent.kom (Berlin) by Spitta
- Takeover of Busse Seewald (Bielefeld) by frechverlag
- Takeover of 100% of the shares of the joint venture CMP-WEKA (Poing) from UBM by WEKA Holding

- WEKA Netherlands takes over Arko-Verlag (Amsterdam) with its three specialist construction magazines
- WEKA Verlag AG (Zurich) is renamed WEKA Business Media AG
- Sale of Editions WEKA Belgium to mediabooks (Ghent)
- WEKA MEDIA Publishing takes over Division III of Motor Presse Stuttgart with eight CE and telecommunications magazines; opening of a new office in Stuttgart
- Spitta takes over Flohr-Verlag (Heidelberg) with four specialist dental medicine magazines
- WEKA MEDIA purchases Dachbau-Magazin from Kleffmann Verlag (Bochum)
- Sale of the info/Cartography Division (Mering/Munich) to the mediaprint Group in Paderborn
- Sale of frech druck (Stuttgart), the last print works of the WEKA Group; the frechverlag publishing company remains in the Group’s possession
- WEKA Verlag Vienna takes over Springer Business Media Austria (Vienna) with 17 specialist B2B magazines
- WEKA Magazine Group is renamed WEKA Media Group Munich
- Takeover of the imprint “Public Formation” from IFSP (Montrouge) by Editions WEKA
- Takeover of the imprint “Dental start-up” from pdv (Heidelberg) by Spitta Verlag
- Takeover of the HRM portfolio from Netwerk Pers (Amsterdam) by WEKA Netherlands
- The online platform Chimie Minitel Teletransmission (Paris) is purchased by Editions WEKA
- Sale of the 49% stake in BEHR’S Verlag (Hamburg)
- Collaboration with Haufe Media Group in Switzerland through the merger of Haufe BusinessMedia AG (Zurich) and WEKA Verlag AG (Zurich)
- WEKA MEDIA takes over UB MEDIA (Markt Schwaben)
- WEKA MEDIA takes over sirAdos (Dachau)
- Sale of the Polish sister publishing company WEKA Sp. z.o.o, (Warsaw) to the Forum Group (Mering)
- Sale of the 50% stakes in the publishing companies Lupus (Poland) and Computer Panoráma (Hungary)
- The sale of the WEKA Magazine Group to Süddeutscher Verlag Hüthig Fachinformationen GmbH fails; the WEKA Magazine Group remains an independent division within the WEKA Group
- Merger of Kissing-based publishing company Recht und Praxis with Deubner Verlag (Cologne)
- Sale of Les Editions du Centre de Psychologie Apliquée (ECPA) (Paris)
- Formation of WEKA MEDIA GmbH & Co. KG (Kissing) by merging the WEKA specialist construction publishing companies, WEKA specialist management publishing companies, WEKA specialist publishing company for technical managers, and the WEKA Logistics Center, Augsburg
- Sale of the WEKA Magazine Group to Süddeutscher Verlag Hüthig Fachinformationen GmbH (subject to approval by the antitrust authorities)
- Sale of Civitas Ediciones (Madrid)
- Reorganisation of the WEKA Corporate Group: Structuring into four independent divisions: “WEKA Business Information”, “Information Brochures and Cartography”, “WEKA Media Group Munich” and “Creative Design”
- Discontinuation of CONWAVE and i-ConneXX
- Foundation of WEKA Business Information GmbH & Co. KG (Kissing) as the umbrella company for the 16 domestic and foreign publishing companies of the former “Specialist Information” division
- CONWAVE (intranet-based solution for specialist information) and i-ConneXX (portal/search engine for specialist legal information) are developed in the course of the general internet boom
- Closure of WEKA’s specialist publishing company in Hungary (Budapest)
- WEKA Italy (publisher of information materials) ceases operations
- Sale of WEKA Consumer Media (games magazines)
- Sale of WAGO-CURADATA (accounting software)
- Sale of ReNoFlex (software for lawyers)
- Sale of PCAS (software for the building trade)
- 25 years of WEKA: 36 specialist publishing companies and software developers in 11 European countries, employing more than 3,000 people
- Purchase of Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftsinformationen (GWI) (Munich)
- Sale of DentSo-Spitta
- Foundation of Fun Creativ (Kiel)
- Foundation of the joint venture CMP-WEKA with CMP, America’s largest publisher of computer magazines
- Closure of WEKA USA
- Takeover of REWI Verlags- und Buchhandels-GmbH (Waltenhofen)
- Takeover of Renoflex Computer- und Software GmbH
- Takeover of the Spanish legal publishing company Civitas Ediciones (Madrid)
- With over 401 million euros in turnover, WEKA is the number one German specialist and scientific publishing company for the first time

- The takeover of Magna Media (Haar) makes WEKA the biggest provider of specialist journals for IT, electronics and telecommunications in Germany
- Purchase of Dr. Peter Deubner Verlag (Cologne), a publishing company for the legal and accountancy professions
- Purchase of the French specialist legal publishing company Tissot (Annecy)
- Foundation of Alfa WEKA (Warsaw)

- Formation of the Software Division with the aim of linking professional information with application software.
- Purchase of Editions Techniques de l’Ingenieur (Paris)
- WEKA becomes the market leader in complete in-house solutions through the merger of WAGO and Curadata to form WAGO-CURADATA
- 314 million euros in turnover, 2,550 employees
- Purchase of debis Systemhaus Curadata (Hamburg)
- 2,500 employees celebrate the 20-year anniversary
- The Competence Center for Electronic Publishing starts working on establishing online databases
- The WEKA publishing companies begin to offer the first supplementary electronic products
- 10th anniversary of the international WEKA Tennis Cup

- Purchase of Frech-Verlag (Stuttgart)
- Creation of the first Architecture Prize by the WEKA specialist construction publishing company
- Continuous support for the “Bunter Kreis”, a society helping severely ill children, through active collaboration and financial assistance
- 34 percent growth, over 250 million euros in turnover
- 60 percent stake in the DentSo software developer
- Awarding of the first WEKA Environment Prize by the specialist publishing company for technical managers
- Takeover of Franzis-Verlag (Munich)
- 38 percent increase in turnover
- Purchase of ECPA (Paris), a specialist publisher of psychology literature
- Move to a new company building at Römerstraße 16 in Kissing
- 24 percent increase in turnover
- WEKA purchase a 49 percent stake in WAGO Softwarehaus
- Foundation of Editions WEKA Belgium
- Restructuring into five divisions with a seven-person executive management team
- 27 percent growth in turnover – with over 100 million euros, WEKA is Germany’s third-largest specialist publishing company
- Foundation of WEKA Publishing Inc. (New York)
- Entry into the German computer magazine market with the takeover of a 48 percent stake in Daten- und Medienverlagsgesellschaft DMV
- Turnover exceeds 50 million euros
- Construction of a new company building for 300 additional workplaces

- Takeover of Spitta Verlag (Balingen)
- Foundation of WEKA Austria in Vienna
Foundation of WEKA Netherlands in Amsterdam

- Move into the expanded company building
- Over 1,000 authors write specialist books and reference works for WEKA
Foundation of WEKA Italy in Milan
- Over 100 employees and 200 specialist authors now work for the company.
- Foundation of WEKA France in Paris

- The 100th book title is published
- WEKA Switzerland based in Zurich is founded as the first foreign subsidiary

Delivery of the first up-to-date reference book via direct sales and book shops

- Move to the first company building in Kissing
- Market leader: over 800 cities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland purchase information brochures for new residents from WEKA. The information brochures are financed through adverts by local companies